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Our Story

It hit me rather quickly, almost as if it was already a reality. God had planted this idea in my head that immediately became a desire I had to follow. 

In the Summer of 2016, God called Shanda and me to adopt. Unfortunately, because of the high cost of adoption, much of our time and efforts went to fundraising. We were shocked to hear the anticipated costs when we started. The agency we chose told us to estimate a cost of $32k-$35k. We questioned whether we should adopt, considering the cost, and the fact that we wouldn’t be able to pay for it ourselves. While we were able to provide about 25% of the cost on our own, we still needed to fundraise the rest.  For me, it was tough to fundraise; to ask others for help, especially for financial help. It was extremely humbling. Fortunately, when God is behind something, there’s nothing that will stand in His way. While we were shocked and saddened about the overall cost of adoption, we knew ultimately that this was God’s thing.  We rested in the fact that it didn’t matter if it was a hundred dollars, or a hundred thousand dollars, it was God’s to supply. Hundreds of our friends, family, and even complete strangers were compelled to help our family bring home our son. We had many happy tears resulting from friends, family and strangers who handed us cash and checks, and told us they felt God had led them to give. It was an unbelievable experience. 

As Shanda and I were in the middle of planning our fundraising events, I was driving down Amnicola highway in Chattanooga making a delivery for Maple Street. I was thinking about what needed to be done for the next event, when it just hit me.  It was such a natural thought process that quickly became an idea.  Within 15 minutes I had a plan and direction for Little Biscuit Adoption Fund. I called Shanda a short time later to tell her about it. We agreed to wait until we finished our fundraising and adoption, to make sure no one perceived us to use this for ourselves. We wouldn’t have to wait too long.

Adoption is God’s idea. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, and confess Him as our Lord and Savior, He adopts us into His family. We get a new eternity. It’s an amazing gift that is available to everyone. I believe Little Biscuit is also God’s idea. He so evidently spoke the idea in the first place, and has opened the doors to make it a reality. He’s surrounded us with a great group of people to help support families who are adopting. When Shanda and I adopted our son, we had the chance to replicate what God has done for us through His Son. God allowed us to actively live out the Gospel, and now we have the opportunity to help others do the same. 

Shanda and I ask that you would join us in this opportunity. We ask that you pray first. We believe that this began because of what God has done, and we know that we cannot do anything without His strength. If you feel led to give, we ask that you only give what God has led you give. If you don’t feel led to give, don’t. But please keep praying for us. If you would like to volunteer, we will have many opportunities to use you in our fundraising events. We cannot do this without you. If you know someone adopting, tell them about Little Biscuit. If you are a family adopting, please apply for a grant. We have already started to pray for you and your family. If you are a birth mother, now or in the past, we are praying for you as well. What you are doing or have done, is a beautiful thing, and it takes a strong person to walk this road. Please know that God walks with you. We are praying that He richly blesses you. 


Zeke and Shanda Arter


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Contact Us

Little Biscuit Adoption
Fund P.O. Box 21173
Chattanooga, TN 37424